My information around disability really concerns those with dementia and their carers. Though through the Alzheimer’s Society always says what is good for people with dementia is good for society as a whole. So I hope my comments will have relevance for you.
I think the best way to help most vulnerable in society is to ensure that society as a whole is informed and aware of what it means to be disabled or disadvantaged. So education and awareness is key. Its why at the Society we have placed such importance on working with schools throughout the country to create a Dementia Friendly Generation. So that young people are aware of what it means to live with dementia – a disease that will most likely affect members of their own family or a circle of friends in some way as they grow and mature.
Our Dementia Friends programme and the series of Dementia Friendly Communities we are establishing nationwide are all helping to make society as a whole more aware of the needs of the must vulnerable within their communities.
Whilst some people may have little or no compassion or humanity, I do believe that they are in the minority and that most people in society really do care. And given the opportunity will respond to help and support those vulnerable members of society in whatever way they can.
Let’s face it – a world without humanity is not one that any of us would like to contemplate. Especially as none us know when we might need that support and “care” ourselves.