BECOMING AN #ALLin AMBASSADOR – THANK YOU WORLD! .. UK, USA, Germany, Norway, South Africa, India, Australia, Spain, Russia, Peru

The response to our request to become an #ALLin Ambassador has been tremendous. Our aim is to become (at least) a million strong. THE MORE WE ARE .. THE STRONGER WE’LL BE! We are so pleased to be welcoming people from around our world!

So please join our movement – email us ( and we’ll enrol you and send you the #ALLin Certificate.

There are no fees .. just your commitment to make the world a better place!

And your commitment is straightforward and simple –  but extremely effective. And together we will be a collective voice that will be listened to .. and acted on.

And as our title states people from all around the world are joining our movement.

Your commitment when becoming an #ALLin Ambassador

“Committing yourself to promoting equality and diversity in every possible way. Whether as an employer, employee, a government official, a charity worker, as a relative or as a friend, as a neighbour or even as a stranger. As an individual or as a group. Fighting for justice and equal opportunities for every single person on the planet.

Practically every decision  you make affects other people. You can effect change. The ‘social model of disability’ says that a disability is caused by the way society is organised rather than a person’s impairment or difference.

You can help remove barriers that will allow disabled people to be independent and equal in society with choice and control over their own lives.”

So, if you believe in the above, then please join with us and become an #ALLin Ambassador. Simply email us and we’ll send you the Commitment Certificate.