Exceptional Individuals has outlined the ‘in-work’ support they offer Neurodivergent individuals.
They state that if you are currently supporting or working with people who consider themselves as having Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD or an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and they are currently in employment, they can work with you and them to ensure they get the support they need to sustain their employment and thrive in the workplace.
Exceptional Individuals state that:
*We will support the individual on a 1:1 basis including:
*Completing an assessment to identify any specialist equipment needed
*Training on specialist equipment
*Personal coaching
*Team training on Neurodiversity
In many cases ‘Exceptional Individuals’ advise that the costs of this support is covered by the government fund ‘Access to Work’ with little or no cost to organisations.
For more information email VICKY at: vicky@excep.co.uk or phone: 0208 133 6046