From ‘The Migraine Trust’
Anyone who lives with migraine knows that understanding it is important. While the need to understand migraine is greater for healthcare professionals than the general public, it’s crucial that both are aware of its symptoms and the impact it has.
That’s why researching and seeking to learn more about migraine is so important to us, as is sharing that knowledge and opportunities to understand the condition.
Here are some opportunities to contribute to that understanding and to learn more about migraine yourself. We hope you can take part.
Living with migraine

We’re running a survey to assess how a year of living in a pandemic has impacted on people’s migraine. We ran two similar surveys last year which showed that it had a significant impact and want to see if this has continued. We are going to use the results for a report that we will be launching during Migraine Awareness Week in September, and we’d be grateful if you could share your experience in the survey. You can take part in the survey here.
Managing migraine

The Brain Prize lecture series

Migraine got the attention it deserves when our trustee Professor Peter Goadsby was one of four neuroscientists who won this year’s The Brain Prize. They won it for their discovery of a key mechanism that causes migraine which has led to ground-breaking new migraine treatments.
In recognition of their win, the organizers of The Brain Prize are holding a free online seminar series over the year. The series consists of one seminar per month from leaders in the field. If you’d like to learn more about migraine and the science behind it, you can see the full list of seminars and sign up here.
A life of helping people with migraine

Lauren’s walk for migraine