Malcolm lives at one of our care homes in Surrey and loves to try new things. He was recently supported to achieve something quite incredible for his birthday present – flying a plane! And not only did Malcolm fly a plane, he also took his dad Keith along for the ride, making it a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience for both of them.

On the runway all ready to go


Support worker Veronica says, “Malcolm is a really adventurous soul and loves to try exciting new activities. When I heard about Aerobility, the charity that offers these flying experiences, I thought that would be just his kind of thing. The pilot said Malcolm’s grin was huge as soon as the plane started to move on the runway and only got wider!”

Veronica and fellow team member Mark were watching from the ground as Malcolm’s flying experience was under way, and even tracked the plane on a flight tracker. Veronica says, “They were up for half an hour and we could tell when Malcolm took over – having previously been completely straight, the plane’s flight path suddenly got a little more ‘wobbly’, let’s say! We were just so excited for him, knowing that he was actually flying the plane.”

Malcolm’s dad Keith says:

“I think it’s just marvellous that Malcolm has been able to have this experience flying a plane – he couldn’t have been happier and I couldn’t be happier for him. He’s always enjoyed anything a bit daring – he had a ride on the back of his brother’s motorbike once and loved that too. He’s always got up to tricks – he even drove off in an electric milk float once, but luckily he couldn’t go too far!”

Malcolm with his certificate afterwards

Keith continues, “The care home is just a super place – I have every satisfaction with FitzRoy, having had an association with the charity for 52 years now, and I tell everyone about it wherever I go if I think there’s a chance to fundraise for them. Malcolm loves living there, but he also has a day at home with me every Wednesday and it’s as if he still lives here – I wash up and he dries and knows exactly where to put everything away. He always knows which bin to put out each week too. It’s a really successful arrangement – he loves living where he is, but having him here once a week means it still feels like home here too for him.”


One of Malcolm’s fellow residents, Andy, went along to watch Malcolm fly the plane and has now been inspired by Malcolm’s incredible achievement to try flying for himself. Malcolm enjoyed his experience so much that he’s now aiming to go flying once a month – the sky really is the limit for him now!