Alison Schofield decided to live independently over two years ago. She now tells us how moving to her own accessible flat and losing her 10 year career has empowered her to help others. This is a journey of real courage and determination.

Alison Schofield

“When I was 26 years old I was diagnosed with a rare connective tissue disorder, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It means I suffer chronic pain and tiredness and I have to use a wheelchair most of the time to help me manage.

Before I started living independently, I felt frustrated and isolated in a family home which was unsuitable for my disabilities and lack of mobility and a customer services career where the workplace was unsuitable for my needs.

And regardless of my disabilities, I was at the age where I wanted to move out of my parents’ home anyways!”

“It wasn’t straightforward. There were a lot of agencies and services who could only say it wasn’t their responsibility to find me somewhere to live. I was frustrated and worn out.

I also have Asperger’s, a high functioning autism spectrum condition which makes me very organised and logical, but also impacts upon my social communication, imagination and interaction skills.

When I got my flat and a team of PA carers in place, I began to feel more confident living independently but unfortunately my 10 year career ended six months later and I found myself in a very negative place.

At this time, during a hospital stay, I was motivated to change my frustrations and share the lessons I had learnt in my journey since diagnosis with others; to enable them to have better life chances.”

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“It was incredible to know that I could achieve something despite my limitations. It had been such a long journey from being diagnosed and getting used to a wheelchair that this felt like the next step. In some ways I feel like I’ve had two lives – my former life where I was walking around and now, everything after my diagnosis. And, because of this, I wanted to make sure I could fill my time with things that make me happy or things that make other people happy.”

So what does offer?

1) An online platform where adults with long term illnesses or disabilities can            share their voice, experiences and ideas. Click here for membership details 

2) Online small business article publishing and promotion. Click here for details

3) Public education talks and motivational speaking. Click here for details

4) Bespoke disability user feedback and testing for websites. Click here for details

“The one thing I’d say to anyone in the same position as me is: Never give in. If you feel like you can’t do something, there’s always a way of making it happen; you might have to do it differently to someone else, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”

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“Plus, always keep a big tub of ice cream handy for the bad days!”