Jonathan Morris has been working on his Youtube channel for almost a year now, although it has changed a lot since its creation. His original vision was to create videos on products that might help disabled people. He had never seen anyone on the platform produce videos like that so he thought this was where his direction lay.

However, after making product showcases for a short while, he decided to make a personal video about himself and his disability, “hemiplegia cerebral palsy”.

This received a great deal more attention with viewers saying how much it personally helped them. So he decided to create more personal videos and that’s when the idea of ‘Disability Talks’ came to the forefront.

He had always loved having conversations with people where he could learn something new or gain a broader perspective on a topic.

Jonathan states,”I wanted to sit down with different people with different disabilities and ask them questions about their own disabilities. That way I knew I’d gain new visions together with the hope that the public would also learn new perspectives; therefore, opening their eyes about disability and changing their own views. I believe ‘Disability Talks’ gives disabled people a voice and an opportunity to broadcast the issues that they wished people would better understand about disability.”

“I have just made a video where I interviewed Steven Spohn from the Able Gamers Foundation, where we talked about all of the different technology to help disabled people play video games.

I have also made videos on how cars can be adapted for people who can’t use their legs as well as a video showing different ways of how to tie shoes – something I have always struggled with.

Lastly, I now want to include short films and documentaries. My aim is to create media channels that are insightful and helpful for both disabled and non-disabled people alike – and to change the public’s perception of disability.”