From ‘time to change’
As we enter a new year and a new lockdown, now’s a great time to check in with the people around you. We know that these changes can be difficult for those us with mental health problems.
We’re sharing Angela’s blog from the first lockdown, as it’s a great reminder of the power of everyday conversations in changing attitudes towards mental health problems.
We’re also busy getting ready for Time to Talk Day, which is coming up on Thursday 4 February. We might not be able to meet up in person, but that won’t stop us making it our best Time to Talk Day yet.
We’re bringing you a virtual festival full of fun on the day – read on to find out more!

You’re invited to our virtual festival
We might not be able to meet up in person, but that won’t stop us making noise on Time to Talk Day!”
We’re planning a virtual festival full of fun online activities, hosted by a range of Champions and supporters, so you can take part wherever you are.
From conversations on the importance of talking about mental health to laughter yoga and dance sessions, there will be lots of ways to get involved and inspire even more mental health conversations.
Time to Talk Day is usually a chance for thousands of us – schools, workplaces and communities – to join together on one day to tackle the silence and the stigma that still surround mental health. And we won’t let the fact that we can’t see each other face-to-face stop us.
That’s why we’re hosting a day of online activities that anyone can join from home. We’re creating a space where our supporters can come together and feel the power of being part of something much bigger.
Whether you’re watching as part of a group or simply enjoying the event yourself, we want you to go away feeling inspired to talk about mental health.

Keep an eye on this page as we will hopefully add more sessions in the coming weeks.
Wednesday 3 February
7pm: Time to Talk Day 2021 launch – the power of talking
A conversation between Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, and representatives from our sister charities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and about the importance of talking mental health and the power that conversation has in tackling stigma.
Thursday 4 February
10am: Young Champions – tips for talking mental health
Ever wanted to check in or support a friend with a mental health problem, but worried about how to go about it? Join two of our Young Champions who will be discussing how small things that anyone can do, can make a big difference. This event is perfect for young people and schools.
12noon: Cooking lunch with Sean
Hang out in Time to Change Champion Sean’s kitchen as he shares his recipe for a tasty chicken lunch. Either cook alongside him or just watch and listen as he talks about healthy cooking and the importance of talking about mental health.
1pm: Lunch and learn
Time to Change has worked with more than 1,500 employers over the years to improve attitudes to mental health in the workplace. Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, will host a conversation between Darea Flanagan from E.ON and Jessica Badley from Blood Cancer UK to find out about the small changes that make a big difference in the workplace when it comes to talking more openly about mental health.
3pm: Fontanna’s laughter yoga
It’s time to get laughing as Time to Change Champion Fontanna takes you through a series of exercises that will have you in stitches. Fontanna will also talk about their experience of being a Champion.