From the UK Government

We are currently rolling out an offer of free PPE for COVID-19 needs to unpaid carers who do not live with the person or people they care for. This will be available until the end of March 2022 and will be available from local authorities (LAs) and local resilience forums (LRFs).

See personal protective equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers for details of LAs and LRFs who are currently making PPE available to unpaid carers. You can contact them to request PPE.

This offer is available to cover needs for PPE that have arisen due to COVID-19. If you would normally use PPE because of the nature of the care you provide, you should continue to access it through your normal routes.

If you live with the person or people you care for, it is not currently recommended that you wear PPE unless advised to do so by a healthcare professional, like a GP or nurse.

If you are a young carer talk to your family and the person you care for if you are unsure what to do.

If you do not live with the person or people you care for, it is recommended that you wear PPE when delivering care.

It is essential that PPE is worn correctly in order to reduce the risk of transmission. PPE should be put on and removed at least 2 metres away from the person you are caring for.

See guidance on how to put on and take off PPE correctly.

The type of PPE you should wear will depend on the type of care you provide. This illustrated guide shows you which items of PPE are recommended for you to wear, depending on the scenario. This is also written in the table below.The type of surgical mask (Type II/ Type IIR) you have been given will be clearly stated on the box.