queen image for a tribute poem



By Vicky Hamlin




In 1952 the Queen took on a huge role – one she didn’t choose or expect at that age, And before shecould adjust, at age 25, she was thrust in the limelight and took centre stage,

The Queen’s unparalleled commitment to Britain made her a national treasure across the nation, She steered us into the modern era, with integrity, stoicism and dedication,

She handled her delicate and difficult constitutional role with dignity and often political skill, The promise she made to Britain as a 21 year old she upheld and fulfilled,

Queen Elizabeth had her late husband Prince Philip who for 73 years stood by her side, In her role she was the pillar of consistency and stability on which we all have relied,

Her longevity of leadership was rivalled by no other, To us she was Her Majesty the Queen, to the King and his siblings – their mother,

Over the last year, due to worsening of health, sightings of Her Majesty became more rare, Yet she still always dressed immaculately with her pearls…….

……. and neat curls of white hair,

She always wore bright coloured outfits – usually a tailored skirt and matching blazer, And she dealt with everything that came her way – nothing ever seemed to phase her,

She loved spending time in the country side with her family, walking her Corgis and riding horses, And she became the first female member of the Royal Family to be in the Armed Forces,

Queen Elizabeth was an exemplary and influential Monarch who held an unprecedented reign, We know her last days she was as comfortable as she could be and not in distress or pain,

Spending her last months and days at Balmoral in a place she loved and called home, Surrounded by her family and loved ones – she wasn’t alone,

She has left behind 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 12 great grand children too, Plus millions of people worldwide in mourning as she felt like someone we knew,

Her Majesty was like a Grandmother to the nation, in troubled times she always knew the right
words to say,

And she remained dedicated to her duties and to the world, until her very last day,

She was an exceptional head of the Commonwealth where she established a blend of diversity
and race,

She led the Commonwealth and her family with quiet strength, poise and grace,

Through turbulent times she held the Royal Family (single-handedly) together, It felt like she was invincible and would remain Her Majesty The Queen – forever,

She has been tested repeatedly throughout her reign by family rifts, scandals and affairs, It will be a daunting and overwhelming new job for her eldest son Charles who’s the heir,

For Charles III who is now King he has huge shoes to fill in his role, As he takes over the reign from his mother and gains the power and control,

It’s a new chapter in history and Britain will now be led by the King, Let’s wish him well going forwards and see what to this role he will bring,

We saw glimpses of it today when he greeted the public and gave his first speech to the Nation, Where he addressed the changes going forward among this new generation,

Having to face the world publicly while grieving, for most, is an unimaginable situation,

The Queen certainly has left a legacy behind and will be very sorely missed, Today Charles was mingling with the crowds allowing his hand and cheek to be kissed,

Her Majesty the Queen will remain well loved and a widely respected and admired figure, Into the British Monarchy over her reign she injected vitality and vigour,

The Queen remained stable and steadfast throughout decades of change, The coming weeks, months and years without Her Majesty will be surreal and strange,

We have sang God Save the Queen now for 70 years, Knowing our Queen has passed this week has reduced millions to tears,

She will be remembered like no other and the whole world will be grieving, Fondly remembering her historic reign and the fact she gave us so much to believe in,

We may never know fully what led to the success of the Queen’s incredible 70 year reign, I think it was helped along by her daily gin and her love of dark chocolate and glass of
champagne 🥂💕✨

RIP Queen Elizabeth II – 1926 – 2022

Written by Victoria Hamlin 

Vicky was one of our winners of our “My Disabled World” poetry competition.

Her poem “A Letter to my Illness” was chosen by Vicky Foxcroft MP (Shadow Minister for Disabled People) 
