

Our Petition for the Government to provide £25 million annual respite fund for unpaid carers

We are calling upon our Government to provide an annual fund of £25m, each and every year, to provide extra ‘Respite Breaks’ for unpaid carers!

There are an estimated 13 million unpaid carers in the UK and it is calculated that they save the treasury over £135bn every year – but so many of them are exhausted, weary and worn out – and they are in real need of a respite break.

This Is Our Petition

“Create a £25m fund to pay for respite breaks for unpaid carers”

The Government to create an annual fund of £25m to pay for respite breaks for unpaid carers, many of whom cannot afford to pay for these themselves, and deserve breaks for their caring responsibilities.

It is estimated that the UK’s 13m+ unpaid carers save the treasury around £135bn per year. But many of them are weary and worn out and their caring responsibilities take a toll on their physical and mental health.

A mini break, paid for by the Government, could help restore their energy and ability to keep on caring. We believe it’s in the Government’s own interest that unpaid carers keep on supporting the sick and infirm in the UK but often they need a break to keep going.

We have partnered with a major UK charity who will administer the £25m fund – and who will award the respite breaks once they have been referred to us by the unpaid carer’s GP. A respite break at a fully recognised, specialist residential centre can cost up to £1,400 for a week’s stay. Other alternatives may cost less and will depend on the unpaid carer’s needs.

If you share these views perhaps would you sign our petition – and ask family and friends if they would consider signing as well.


If we gain 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

If we gain 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

What is a respite break?

A ‘Respite Break’ can come in many forms. But it’s basically a chance for an unpaid carer to take a short time away from their caring role .. and to use that time to relax and feel better.

That could include paying for a paid carer to temporarily take over, or going away on a mini holiday.

So many unpaid carers are tired and weary and many have to juggle their caring roles with jobs and looking after family.

But options for ‘Respite Breaks’ cost money .. and that’s why our Petition is aiming to raise a *reasonable sum of money to help them finance a ‘respite care’.

So, please think about signing our petition – and maybe ask others to consider as well?



*But this reasonable sum of money (£25 million) is only a fraction of the estimated total of £135bn that the UKs  unpaid carers save the taxpayer every year!