Today we’re launching a brand-new report, Zoning in on Clean Air, revealing that an estimated 24 million people across the UK are still breathing in air that exceeds legal limits of air pollution.





Help us tell the Environment Minister, Therese Coffey, that more action is urgently needed to tackle toxic air. Fill out this simple form and we’ll send an email to her.

Here’s the form to fill out

Or if you’re on Twitter, send her a tweet and let her know that we need her to take action.

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Recently, we marked the 10-year anniversary of 9-year-old Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah’s death from a fatal asthma attack linked to air pollution where she lived. Ella was the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as the cause of death. The government’s progress to clean up our air has been too slow – millions of us are still breathing toxic air.

The evidence is clear: clean air zones are the most effective way of reducing air pollution fast, but decision makers are dragging their feet. You can read the full report here. 
Based on our research, our recommendations to government are: 

Make more funds available to support the effective roll out of clean air zones to help get the most polluting cars off the road.

Improve communications to local communities of the impact of clean air zones and the support that’s available to them.

Build new policies to tackle air pollution in partnership with local communities and those most at risk.

We’re planning to meet with Therese Coffey to discuss our findings, but first we need her to know that there is public pressure to do more.

Help us get our message out loud and clear to the government and contact Therese Coffey today.

Thank you,


Clean Air Team
Asthma + Lung UK