Arthritis costs the UK healthcare system over £10billion a year! And it is estimated that £118.6billion will be spent on the condition over the course of the next decade.

The two most common forms, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, cost the UK economy £2.58billion a year due to the 25million working days lost. This will increase to £3.4billion a year by 2030 as the number of days lost rises by 900,000 said Arthritis Research UK.

Chief Executive, Liam O’Toole said, “there is a mismatch between the enormous impact arthritis has on individuals, their families and society and the attention, priority and resources given to it. As a result, people with arthritis do not get the help or support they need.”

He went on to say, “we are all losing out. Whether it’s an employer who loses out on the skills of an employee, a child who misses out on playing with parents or grandparents, or the strain on NHS resources, the impact of arthritis is felt across society.”