If you have a disability or long term health condition and would like to add your own story please do get in touch with GET YOURSELF ACTIVE.


Here are some guidelines if you want to write a blog for them:

*Have a word length of about 500 words ideally and no longer than 800 words.

*Include a brief self-biography and photos of you taking part in the activity that you’re writing about. If you do not want to show your face in the photos then that is fine.

*Have links to any social media (including videos) which you’re part of that is related to disability sports including fundraising or publicising events.

*Focus on particular benefits you’ve gained as a result of being active e.g. improved confidence and independence, weight loss, strength and balance and meeting new people.

*If you have a personal budget and use it to get active either by directly paying for the activity or indirectly by paying for a personal assistant to take you then we strongly encourage you to write about this in your post.

Your post must be related to Disability Rights UK’s vision, mission and priorities

*It must not contain hate speech, incitement to violence or anything unlawful, misleading, defamatory or discriminatory.

*’Get Yourself Active’ retains the right to edit a blog.

*If you have a learning disability or neurological condition that means that you’re strongest at drawing let them know. They will accept any pictures that you send them that are either in PNG or JPEG format and follow other guidelines (not obscene etc.). And don’t worry about dimensions as they can resize any pictures sent to them.