From Trailblazers
“We know through personal stories that women in wheelchairs are not getting equal access to healthcare. They struggle to get contraception, regular cervical cancer screenings and mammograms.”
Dr. Sarah Floud, a lead researcher based at the University of Oxford said: “While taking part in screening is a personal choice, our research suggests that women with disabilities may not have equal access to screening programmes, simply because medical centres lack the necessary hoists.”
Dr. Sarah Floud
Trailblazers goes on to state that it is essential disabled women are not excluded from health screening. “We need to raise awareness of this risk to the sexual and reproductive health of disabled women so they can receive equal healthcare.”
Now Trailblazers, a powerful young disabled campaigning team, has launched a new survey on ‘Disabled Women’s Access to Healthcare’, to run for between three and six months.
CLICK HERE to help them by completing their survey
Trailblazers are gathering information about the experiences of those who are missing health screenings, often over many years, simply because medical centres lack hoists.
It is only with screening availability and awareness that we can allow disabled women to lead full and healthy lives.