There are 123 poems entered for our “My Disabled World” poetry competition
In all there are 123 entries and here, at Disability Talk & Virgin Media, we want to thank everybody who took part – and wish everyone of you the best of luck .. as well as your chosen charities. The winners (the poets of the twelve ‘most liked’ poems) will be announced in December.
Best wishes to you all – Chris Jordan (Founder of ‘Disability Talk)
After The Winter Night
I am cold
but when the frost is over
I will enjoy the heat
of the morning sun
After the winter night
I will pick the first flowers
That grow,
to keep them in my heart
until the next storm
Poem submitted by Lill Due whose favourite charity is NASS
You’re Entitled To A Life
You’re entitled to what will keep you fulfilled
You can get what you need and no one will question you
You’re entitled to dwellings that fit what you need
You’re entitled to life, you can live as you like
You’re allowed supplies to feed yourself
No one says you’re entitled, they know you’re not a cheat
You’re entitled to breathe, to not starve
You’re entitled to a life, you’ve got permission to survive
No one asks you what your body’s for
You’re not told that you’re faking, that you’re after rewards
They know you’re not a scrounger, you don’t have to prove your worth
They agree you’re entitled to your existence on this earth
You’re entitled to dignity, you don’t have to expose your life
People know what’s private, they won’t probe you for details
You can keep things to yourself and choose what to share
You’re entitled to your life not being invaded
You can leave your dwellings and seek good times
You have the benefits you need for a social life
You go to bed when you want to, you can do it all yourself
You’re entitled to independence, but you’re allowed someone else
You don’t have to protest so you can live like everyone
Everything’s set out, it all fits in with you
You won’t have things that you fought for taken away
You’re entitled to your life and they respect your rights
You’re entitled to a relationship and you can be understood
They’re attracted to you, they see what you can do
You won’t be dismissed, you’re not a misfit
You’re entitled to the closeness you need
You don’t have to prove you tell the truth
Assessors don’t prod you and investigate your life
You don’t have to show them what need to survive
You’re entitled to your life, you can stay dignified
You don’t have to change your routine to help others
When you hear of these people, you can just life your life
If their existence feels inconvenient
They’re not entitled to life, you won’t notice them die
You’re entitled to your life, cause your life is worth living
They’ll save you if you’re ill, you’re worth every resource
You won’t be sacrificed for someone more important
You’re entitled to a life, they’ll help you live, not die
Poem submitted by Sam Castell-Ward whose favourite charity is CAROUSEL
A geek and nerd demeanour
A geek and nerd demeanour
My hopes and dreams were over
Sad wounds would not recover
I depend on four leaf clovers
My goals washed down the river
The errors were uncovered
How I had to really suffer
Getting tangled in much bother
Always hindered in bad weather
My jobs didn’t hold together
I couldn’t count, weigh or measure
Tempers would really lather
From my mother and father
The house slipped to slathers
As bills would quickly gather
With puzzling ledgers
Doors battered by debtors
I felt like a dirty beggar
Who had fallen to the cellar
Cued by lying fortune tellers
With misleading patter
I needed a propeller
My friendships were all severed
Like ill fit shoes with tremor
Crucified with the pressure
Worry hounded me with hammers
A victim of people's humour
Conversation was a stammer
A geek and nerd demeanour
Poem submitted by Chris Tait whose favourite charity is Scottish Autism
Autism, Disability/Ability

moved as if your body were bigger than the space around it.
Holding your hands out to make sure you fit,
knowing you didn’t.
Not like the other kids.
Couldn’t catch a ball, tie your shoes, button a shirt.
Simple things, like instructions,
a foreign language
that everyone else understood,
except you.
Growing quieter with every year.
Retreating from the world.
From us,
and all our expectations.
Rolling Through The World
Rolling through the world
In these strange days
So much change, such a daze,
Yet the chair stays
Physical limits, always to bare
The burden, not to share
But this year, a little different
Everyone’s saying: “I want to be there!”
Books are the release
An avenue of peace
No limits here, as I move up a gear
To devour Shakespeare
Disability is my past, present, future
But not the defining feature
Come towards me and you’ll see,
All the facets that make up me!”
Poem submitted by Josh Dennis whose favourite charity is Whizz-Kidz
Can You See Me?
I see the pain, I hear the pain
It has a colour, it has a sound
I can see it, I can hear it
No stranger can
My husband can see it in my face
My husband can hear it in my face
My animals can see it, hear it
To them it’s not invisible
It is invisible to strangers
It is real to me
Are they real?
Am I real?
Poem submitted by Susan Martin whose favourite charity is Pets As Therapy
Life Is A Thorny Black Rose
Bitter sweet, up and down, hurt and burnt,….. Life is a Thorny Black Rose Ecstatic, suicidal, manic, zombified;
Low, like an anchor into a bottomless sea,
High, Like a helium balloon floating endlessly upward,
‘Knives in the back’, Can’t get out of bed, Wings guiding me forward out of the darkness and into infinite light,
Expansive states of mind forever reaching into the depths of consciousness concepts of the Universe and Purpose,
Then Dead, like a rotten corpse, mouldy, stale,
I feel Lost, so lost, so lost…..
Life Is A Thorny Black Rose, Into a boundless labyrinth I tred No way out, only through, but no clues, no clues, so lost Wall after wall, after wall, the odds stacked against me, The World Crumbling around me, suicide, sickness, death, shadows, But hope, new life, Birth, Joy I trek and wander, and walk and walk, Aeons seem to go by, lost, so lost wandering aimlessly it seems
Then I discover an immense trunk with thorns Reaching up into the sky, I climb, … Then at the top I discover it’s a Rose, A Jet Black Rose, And inside I find a new hope, I lie within its center, and Realise…………….
Life Is A Thorny Black Rose.
Marvelous, So Beautiful, Complex, Yet Dark and Powerful, Thorny, Painful, Yet Glowing so Radiantly, So Elegantly, So Electric but Gloomy, Prickly, Spiky yet so Egmatic,
It Is an enigma,
It Is a Mystery…………
Life Is A Thorny Black Rose.
Poem submitted by Denny Reader whose favourite charity is Warwick Rethink
It’s a diverse world
It’s a diverse world that we live in, you see
Everyone can’t be like you and me
One day, if you didn’t look the part or couldn’t climb the stairs
You’d be outcast, ignored or dodging the stares
Things are different now, aren’t they?
We all have equal rights, they say
A world without difference is a world that is dull
Your glass shouldn’t be half empty, but half full
At the end of a rainbow, where’s the pot of gold?
We should all hope for warmth for all, not cold
A little respect goes a long, long way
It costs the same as the sun in each new day
It’s a changing world that we live in, you see
Everyone can’t be like you and me
Poem submitted by Carole Cunliffe whose favourite charity is Pets As Therapy
Disabled and Normal
I’m so glad that your back to your normal self…
What does this statement of “normal” mean to you or I?
I find this insulting; when (or if) your health fluctuates.
Some people may interpret this as your not being “normal.”
Would life be simpler if you did not have the physical, mental or developmental differences?
I suppose that these challenges that mean you are not “normal” add to the rich tapestry of your life.
Everyone has challenges.
Although some individuals have more challenges than other people!
Would I change my life – to be defined as normal?
Free from the physical, mental or developmental disabilities?
Having a single disability has been a challenge.
It has made me stronger and given me better empathy to do my job.
Do I share that I have a disability?
Am I complicit in being embarrassed of having this disability.
I suppose; I don’t share my disability or “abnormality” with everyone.
The potential stigma and stereotypes that are faced by having a physical, mental or developmental differences.
Definitely does not encourage me to share my own personal information with others.
Having worked with a wide range of disabilities I shouldn’t be embarrassed.
However hearing colleagues discuss individuals with a variety of disabilities in a not always positive light.
Definitely does not instil me with faith and confidence.
To say “Look – I have a disability.”
Am I proud of having a physical, mental or developmental disability?
Recently I do feel defined by this disability, every minutia closely examined.
What does normal mean?
Can you say your “normal” just because you are free from disabilities?
What does disability mean to you or I?
Are you dissing my abilities?
Poem submitted by Izzy Scott whose favourite charity is Pets As Therapy
The Hostel
I arrived with no place to stay. The hostel took me in. With a lot of care and support We sorted my problems out one by one. Restored contact with love ones and meet again. A lot of hard work I was soon on my way. I got into a bit of bother. Helped to find a safe place to stay. With the support from sail Ì maintain my life in my home. For which I am grateful for as my dreams come true and unfolds.
Poem submitted by Coraine Baveresbi whose favourity charity is M.U.S.T Hostel
Let’s Rewind
tomorrow is going to be a good day!
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I felt fully able
I’m seen to be just flaking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only it was believable
The income I am forsaking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I could stay stable
Excuses now in the making
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only it was living a fable
The leaves that need raking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only energy was tap-able
My daughter loves baking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I could be dependable
So much time I’m taking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I was unstoppable
My independence is breaking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only my mind was infallible
My whole being is aching
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only fear wasn’t palpable
Seeking help has me quaking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I was more durable
The rigidity is snaking
If only I was faking
If only it was put on
If only I was not so vulnerable
My strength I am mistaking
The strength that I am mistaking
As the pain is not only when waking
I am capable, visible and spiritual,
Creative, sociable and an individual
It’s now an altered path that I’m taking
Poem submitted by Aroona Murphy whose favourite charity is NASS
Depression is a monster
Depression is a monster It’s hidden in those bullies That destroys both heart and soul. Who torture and demean, It tortures without mercy Who use their words like weapons And consumes its victims whole To destroy all self esteem.
It cripples and disables, It’s fuelled by those substances, Making life too hard to cope. That are used to help escape. It can make each day a nightmare From that endless pain depression brings And leave a person without hope. And that unbearable heartache.
Some people feel this sadness It can cause someone to just give up, From the time that they are young, To lose all strength to fight. And believe that they are different It can annihilate one’s very soul And can’t be loved by anyone. And make them take their life.
It’s reinforced by parents Yes, depression is a vulture Too depressed themselves to care That will make anyone its prey. For that child they’re supposed to love, There is no one who deserves it, But instead forget is there. And there is no one to blame.
Depression can be nurtured We don’t need to make a judgement, Through violence and neglect But we need to be aware And fists used only to degrade That those who suffer through this pain And words used to reject. Just need the world to care.
Poem submitted by Charlie Gillespie whose favourite charity is MIND
“My MS – the unwanted guest”
Not a day goes by, my body always pained,
Muscles in spasm, my nerves inflamed.
Pills in the morning and middle of the day,
Even injections to jeep it at bay.Each day gets harder and harder to cope,
Without any compliments, it gives me no hope.
Apart from my legs, what’s wrong with me?
I’d like to know what you really see.I only feel normal when driving my car,
An able-bodied person seen from afar.
Behind the wheel I’m as good as you all,
I’m happy and proud, less likely to fall.
Can’t swim, run, walk or dance,
But I’ve a lot to give, just given the chance.To live to old age, I think I’d despair,
I’ve put up with enough, it wouldn’t be fair.
Longevity, please, it’s not for me,
Tired of this body, just want to be free.
Unable to walk, unable to stand,
Where will I be, need a helping hand.Said all my prayers, can’t cry any more,
Life full of troubles, emotions too raw.
Maybe I’ll catch something, body will fail,
To take me away on that Heavenly trail…
Who knows?

Thats what causes the pain,
All down my legs and my back
Its not just in my brain
I need to get on track
Focus and see what I can achieve
In myself believe
Not listen to those that are naive
Not let myself become invisible
Not do nothing and be miserable
Its only a chair
To me my legs
I will not let my life be full of regrets
I am the same
I will feel no shame
Not let my mobility
Stop all the activity
Its just a disability
I can do any role
As good as you
Yes its true
Bless their souls
The trolls
Who don’t understand
About the productivity
All the activity
I can achieve even with limited mobility
And I forgive
Those whom doubt my worth
This was my birth
The way I entered this earth
And I will show you im special to
I will come through in all do
And show you who knew
I always would
Its my life and its so good
“Can I go to the garden too?”
I asked one day,
As I saw Anne collecting flowers in the garden
Like she does every morning
But mom refused
“Large scary bugs would eat you alive”, said she
I did not know that bugs can eat me
I wondered, however, why the bugs would spare Anne
Anne really is the best sister in the universe
I want to be just like her, strong and caring
I am a bit weak right now,
But mom said I will grow big soon if I drink my milk
I miss dad a lot
He left a long time ago
Mom and dad were always fighting
So, I asked Anne about it
She said something about my ‘disabelety’
Anne is so smart for knowing such difficult words
I do not know what that means though
I will be a big kid soon so I will ask mom then
I am turning six tomorrow
And I know just what my birthday gift is going to be
I will ask mom once again
“Can I go to the garden too?”
Poem submitted by Javeria Hamid whose favourite charity is:
Rising Sun Institute for Special Children
Some call it ‘visual impairment’, others ‘disability’;
Yet to my mind ‘tis but a slight difficulty
To which I must adapt, come to terms with, and surmount,
Not letting it be a barrier to making my life count.
So I endeavour to live life with a positive attitude,
Greeting the difficulties I face with stoical fortitude;
I focus on all I can, and not on what I can’t do,
And thank God that the ‘can’ts’ are relatively few.
This weakness in one area doesn’t permeate the whole,
So why should it discourage me, or my life control?
In no life need it ever exert mastery,
For, have you e’er pondered the true limits of disability?
It cannot crush the spirit; it cannot break the will;
It cannot touch the soul, or its essence distil;
It cannot lessen emotions, or the heart’s capacity
To love fully, gladly, deeply and sacrificially.
It doesn’t breed discontentment, self-pity, bitterness,
But celebrates every positive with humble thankfulness;
And passion for life it, in no way, will diminish,
Nor snuff out the hunger to persevere to the finish.
It cannot divest us of individuality,
Nor stifle hopes, dreams, ambitions and creativity;
And it cannot mute a voice that should be heard, understood,
Nor prevent anyone being an influence for good.
For, be the problem one of mobility, speech or seeing,
It can never make its bearer a lesser human being,
Or negate their contribution to society;
So, won’t you focus on the person, not their disability?
Poem Submitted by Ian Caughey whose favourite Charity is:
Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke
I Gave A Heart
I made a heart for you. You hold it like a precious ruby. The gold makes you feel happy like a bright apple. Red is a rose, Love is like church music, Dancing feels like a waterfall, Almost in tears feels like raindrops, Kissing feels like soft gelato.
Poem submitted by Galina MacNeacail
I’m spending a penny
Sending a sound
Hear Evelyn Glenny
Getting around
It is a waive sent
Speakin’ a load
Trip on a pavement
It’s unique is the code
Disabled, yes
With it a falter?
Pray with zest
The systems to alter
Believe in me please
Weathered a bit
From sleeves at knees
Developed to hit
Let plans bind
Become one
Listen Mankind
What’s done is done
But we enter a phase
Get the rain
Sent to a stage
The plan may squawk
Grin at the sword
If I cany walk
Can I win an award?
Poem submitted by Joe McGurk whose favourite charity is Headway
The Quest
Each journey starts with a small step You try to get out of bed First it takes an hour to clear your weary head
Swing you legs off the side The pain coursing, getting too much A crutch, a crutch, my kingdom for a crutch!
You try to stand up straight Then remember its been decades since your fused spine allowed You walk on like a priest, head bowed
Push forward now V for victory you start to move V for velocity, 0.00000000001 mph, I am in my groove
Now you traverse on Like a character from Tolkien You make it to you throne Now if I could only wipe my……………………..
Poem submitted by Chris Mcclusky whose favourite charity is NASS
Visible me with M.E.
I’ve alway been invisible, me
Never the prettiest, smartest, or most bubbly
“Oh her, she’s quite nice but a bit boring”
I never had all the boys flocking, adoring
Then my body, mind and confidence grew
Enjoying lots of experiences, old and new
Came a little out of my shell and went just a bit wild
Then found a great man and had a gorgeous child
Now I’m sick but nothing dramatic for me
Just a slow stealing away of energy
Awful aches and pains and feeling of being ill
Unknown unless I always complain and I never will
Fitting, I suppose, to a tee
An invisible illness for invisible me
Having to cope with a life changing disease
When all around assume I’m at ease
Now, the challenge to be seen and get to be
The kind and generous person I never had time to be
Now I can see the beautiful, simple things all around
As I no longer have to rush, push and pound.
Poem submitted by Philippa Lowther whose favourite charity is M.E. Resarch